ICT Association – helping to build a digital Suriname for sustainable growth and inclusive development!
ICT Associatie Suriname; de ICT branche vereniging van Suriname.

Hoe houdt u hackers uit uw Whatsapp?
Er is de laatste dagen veel te doen op social media, over hackers die WhatsApp accounts zouden overnemen en zelfs binnen zouden zijn gedrongen bij een telecomoperator. Foto’s van WhatsApp-conversaties suggereren dat geheime conversaties nu in handen zijn van hackers en dat wij allemaal elk moment slachtoffer kunnen worden.

Ransomware - voorkom dat u het volgende slachtoffer wordt!
Een ransomware-aanval kan heel ingrijpend zijn. Alle servers, gegevens en zelfs backups hiervan kunnen “gegijzeld” worden: alles wordt versleuteld, niemand kan er meer bij. Wat rest is een bericht waarin om “losgeld” wordt gevraagd, meestal te betalen in bitcoin, een digitale vorm van betalen waarbij de ontvanger anoniem blijft.

Vereninging Surinaams Bedrijfsleven
The ICT Association Suriname has formalized its collaboration with the VSB since 2019 with the aim of stimulating the development of the private sector and helping to create a healthy business climate.

CANTO – Regional ICT Platform
The ICT Association Suriname has been a member of CANTO since 2015. The purpose of joining has been to gain more access to the network of providers, suppliers, government, and other stakeholders in the ICT sector.

BINI (Burgerinitiatief voor Participatie & Goed Bestuur)
The ICT Association Suriname is a member of the Citizens' Initiative for Participation and Good Governance (Burgerinitiatief voor Participatie & Goed Bestuur) platform. A platform of citizens, consisting of organizations and individuals. The aim of this collaboration is to help ensure inclusivity for citizens.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
The collaboration with the UNDP is mainly aimed at helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Surinamese Government
The government is a key player in sector development. It plays an important facilitating role and ensures that the rules and legislations are in order. In addition, the government is also a customer of the members of the ICT Association Suriname.

Telecommunicatie Autoriteit Suriname
The Telecommunicatie Autoriteit Suriname is the official body that enables the rapid development of affordable, high-quality telecom services for the Surinamese public. An important stakeholder for the ICT Association Suriname.
Become a member of the ICT Association Suriname now and support the development of the Surinamese society and economy with and through ICT.
Since its establishment, the ICT Association has undertaken various activities and recorded several of them. Click on the photos to view the albums. See also the news page with more activities from us and our members.
ICT Vision 2030 – Digital Inclusion for Sustainable Development
The ICT Association has taken the initiative to draw up an ICT Vision 2030 document for Suriname and presented it to several key stakeholders during a one-day seminar “ICT Vision 2030 – Digital Inclusion for Sustainable Development”. Date: Nov 23, 2021.
The seminar brought together policy makers, businesses, training institutions and other stakeholders to engage them in a dialogue on the role and importance of ICT in the current context of national development in Suriname. During the seminar, the first copy of our vision document was presented to the President of Suriname, H.E. Chandrikapersad Santokhi.
Click on the photo for more.

ICT Association signs MOU with the Presidential Working Group on e-Gov Commission
The ICT Association has signed an MOU with the Presidential Working Group on e-Gov committee. The objective of this MOU is to broaden the social ties between both parties and to share or utilize and increase the appropriate technical and economic opportunities. Furthermore, this MOU aims to support the respective organizations in their development and optimize their functioning.
Click on the photo for more.
Press conference ICT Association Suriname June 25, 2019
Cyber ICT Event - ICT Association of Suriname February 9, 2018
ICT Week 2016
The ICT Association organized the ICT Week in 2016 with the theme “Shaping our Information Society towards a Billion Dollar Industry”. During the ICT Week, various working sessions were held with key stakeholders from the ICT sector to draw up the roadmap together with them. This roadmap includes concrete actions for the realization of the ICT Vision 2020 of the ICT Association.
Click on the photo for more.
ICT Vision 2020
In 2015, the ICT Association presented its ICT Vision 2020 at the ICT Summit. It was presented to the then chairman of De Nationale Assemblee (DNA).
The Association has set itself the goal of making ICT into a billion-dollar sector, just like abroad. The strategy is contained in the ‘Vision 2020 document’ which was presented on the first day. “We have been saying for some time that we want to strengthen the ICT sector and grow it into a significant pillar of the Surinamese economy,” says Hahn. So far, we have been a consuming society of the digital. However, there is also knowledge and skills to produce digitally. We must go there.”
Click on the photo for more.
ICT Summit Paramaribo 2015
The ICT Association organized the ICT Summit Paramaribo in Suriname for the third time in 2015. During the ICT event there were 41 booths with participants from the Netherlands, the United States of America, Guyana, Trinidad, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Colombia, Curaçao, and Suriname. The ICT Summit Paramaribo is a conference that provides a platform for everyone in the ICT industry to come together and exchange ideas, explore new possibilities and stimulate new relationships.
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ICT Summit Paramaribo 2014
The ICT Association organized the ICT Summit Paramaribo in Suriname for the second time in 2014. The ICT Summit Paramaribo is a conference that provides a platform for everyone in the ICT industry to come together and exchange ideas, explore new possibilities and stimulate new relationships.
Click on the photo for more.
ICT Summit Paramaribo 2013
Our first ICT Summit Paramaribo 2013 was a success. Many positive reactions from participants about the content of the program and the professional atmosphere surrounding it. The Surinamese ICT companies showed their best side at the exhibition. Participants and visitors praised the design.
The Association’s board is proud and immediately announces the dates for the next Summit (June 2014).
Click on the photo for more.